Recent microbial discoveries are changing our view of life on Earth

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K. More, A.G.B. Simpson and S. Hess. Two new marine species of Placopus (Vampyrellida, Rhizaria) that perforate the theca of Tetraselmis (Chlorodendrales, Viridiplantae)Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology: Vol. 66, July-Aug. 2019, p. 560. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12698.

K. More, A.G.B. Simpson and S. Hess. Description of the marine predator Sericomyxa perlucida gen. et sp. nov., a cultivated representative of the deepest branching lineage of vampyrellid amoebae (Vampyrellida, Rhizaria)Journal of Eukaryotic MicrobiologyVol. 68, Nov.-Dec. 2021, e12864. doi:

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D.V. Tikhonenkov et alMicrobial predators form a new supergroup of eukaryotesNature. Vol. 612, December 22, 2022, p. 714. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05511-5.

D.V. Tikhonenkov et alQuick guide: ProvoraCurrent Biology. Vol. 33, Aug. 7, 2023, R781. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.004.

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